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Granary Road Market


Jeannette Boutique

Jeannette Boutique


Women's Fashion Boutique


My name is Jeannette, I am the owner & founder of Jeannette Boutique.

I am a wife and mother to three beautiful girls. The idea of starting Jeannette Boutique came to me when my youngest daughter was few months old. My husband and I discuss business a lot. We have a background in business and we owned a children's store in Calgary. We both have Master’s degrees in Business Administration. My husband also owns an accounting & tax business. So, as you can imagine, business is an everyday topic in our household. One evening, after putting the children to bed early, we found ourselves with enough time to discuss business ideas. That is when the idea of starting a boutique came to mind. Jeannette Boutique is a Women's clothing Boutique, and we are adding Children's clothing very soon. We carry women's clothing, accessories and cosmetics. Our products are sourced from high quality providers and there are always new arrivals and unique pieces to discover!

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